Module 1

MODULE ONE:We have all been there, right?  Had days where we beat ourselves up about a casual comment that we made and it fell flat, and we worried that we upset somebody we care about.  Worried that we will be rejected from our relationship or a friend group because of it.Or we just shake the feeling of dread and shame and the negative loop continues in our heads.  Perhaps you are someone who enjoys a few drinks but the next day you can't stop the negative loop in your head and it becomes deliberating so you feel that you need to hide yourself away.Or you are a fantastic parent but you handled something in wrong ways with your precious ones and the loop of shame and negative self talk wont stop.Those are the days when we need to be able to lean back into self love, self compassion  and belief but I know that is not easy so I am here to guide you through.Song my dark days by the weekend.  Key themes: Recognizing the voice of shame and stepping out of the dark into the light on the dark days.

Module 1

We have all been there, right? Had days where we beat ourselves up about a casual comment that we made and it fell flat, and we worried that we upset somebody we care about. Worried that we will be rejected from our relationship or a friend group because of it.

We have all been there, right? Had days where we beat ourselves up about a casual comment that we made and it fell flat, and we worried that we upset somebody we care about. Worried that we will be rejected from our relationship or a friend group because of it.

Or we just shake the feeling of dread and shame and the negative loop continues in our heads. Perhaps you are someone who enjoys a few drinks but the next day you can't stop the negative loop in your head and it becomes deliberating so you feel that you need to hide yourself away.

Or you are a fantastic parent but you handled something in wrong ways with your precious ones and the loop of shame and negative self talk wont stop.

Those are the days when we need to be able to lean back into self love, self compassion and belief but I know that is not easy so I am here to guide you through.

Song my dark days by the weekend. Key themes: Recognizing the voice of shame and stepping out of the dark into the light on the dark days.

Linda Thomson