Sexual Well Being and Revitalization

Sexual wellness

Get Your Groove On

I have a particular interest in sexual wellbeing and revitalization for everybody, more particularly women who are perimenopausal or have been through menopause.  I have been on that journey myself and am fully aware of the impact on your overall health and sexual well being.  Interestingly, I do not  think that you need to be in a relationship to get your groove back as my teachings are just as effective for single people.

I believe that as a society we still see sex as a taboo subject and do not put enough emphasis on the positivity that sexual well being can bring to our lives . We do not necessarily need to be having the typical sexual issues for our overall well being to suffer through not embracing sexual well being.

This is a relatively new concept for Australia and I believe that it is a worthy and desirable way forward. 

So what is sexual well being and revitalization and what does it mean for us?

In short, it means getting your mojo back – like in the classic movie, Shirley Valentine.  Just because we are aging chronologically, it does not mean we have to do it across the board.

Here is how I can help you

I believe that a holistic approach is the best way to help us get back into the groove of things.  As part of this journey we will be looking into the interplay of the mind, the body and the human spirit as each one of them is as equally important as the other to get you on track to sexual well being and revitalization. 

The Mind

The mind is our most powerful sex organ which contributes grealty to our sexual well being and revitalization, especially as we age.  In our minds are our limiting beliefs, values, judgements about self and others, sexual preferences and our erotica blueprints (link to another one to be put in there) – vanilla or kink desires as well as possible anxiety or depression.  Our minds have the ability to turn ourselves on, or off, and to create scenarios that are not based in reality so it makes sense that we need our minds on board to achieve sexual well being and revitalization.  As I have been a student of the mind for many many years, I am able to help people engage their minds in such a way that it can be the key to great sexual awakening and sexual pleasure.

The Body – such a wealth of intelligence and wisdom but at times it needs a little help

The body is such a beautiful, amazing and powerful prized ally but we do not always treat it that way.  We girls can suffer from body consciousness which can have a devastating impact on our bodies.  If we have been through trauma in our lives, the  body can store trauma and manifest in many different ways in our bodies. 

One part of my holistic approach is treating the somatic symptoms.  There are several different approaches that I use to do this and it may include body work from a body work specialist.


The body can store our life experiences both good and bad.  The body has memories and we can sometimes have involuntary physiological responses to situations, or perceived danger, long after (even years after) we are out of the situation or danger.  This can have a very negative impact on our sex lives especially if there has been a sexual trauma in our history.   It is not all bad news as there is much that can be done in this area and I help many people manage their trauma. 

Hormones irregularities and vitamin deficiencies. How does that impact?

I have completed in depth research, together with my personal experiences and armed with all the testing that the medical field can offer, we often find out it is our hormones that are out of whack and need re-adjusting.  Additionally, vitamins and minerals may be lacking in the body causing all sorts of disruption to our ability to enjoy sexual well being and revitalization.  When you book a consultation with me, or join the emerging online course, I will provide you with a comprehensive list to assist your General Practitioner (“GP”) to test in these areas. My own experience is that this alone can be a game changer and unless your GP has a special interest in sexual health often these tests can be overlooked.

The Spirit/Soul in Philosophy and how I use the word

The non-physical part of a person which is the holder of the person’s character and emotions. The spirit is where courage and determination lies and values that people live their lives by are grounded in your soul.  If your soul is not aligned with your sexual values, beliefs and preferences it can cause discord in your life – this is what I refer to as the MInd, Body and Soul connection.


I am comfortable with and grounded in a scientific approach to my work.  I also offer a holistic approach which includes Eastern medicine and wisdom and I further believe that for an amazing  and healthy sex life all parts of ourselves need to be aligned and healthy.  When necessary, I will use the different approaches in my work however if you are seeking a Medicare rebate (How to claim a Medicare benefit – Services Australia) for my guidance then a consultation will be purely based on evidence based scientific workings.

I am very experienced at helping people to fully integrate all parts of themselves in therapy to meet their desired goals. This can all be discussed and the way forward planned at the first session.

Linda Thomson