What is Tantric Sex?
If you’ve heard about Tantra or Tantric sex, then you probably have an idea about how it focuses on honoring the body enough to figure out what pleases it. Tantric Sex has its roots in the word “Tantra”. In Sanskrit, tantra means “to weave”. As a Hindu and Buddhist concept, it denotes spiritual realization. It incorporates mindfulness in sexual practice and injects spiritual awareness.
Can singles practice Tantric sex?
A common misconception about tantric sex is that it can only be done with a sexual partner. Contrary to this belief, tantric sex practice can be done alone since the ultimate goal of the practice is self-exploration and knowing what brings individual pleasure. Trying out tantric masturbation actually helps to identify what works and not for you.
For people who have practiced tantric sex or tantric masturbation, they may have attested to reaching improved orgasm levels, or having reached orgasm for those who are anorgasmic (not capable of orgasm). However, it is important to note that while the practice helps you orgasm better, the practice is not centered on that goal. In fact, there are far more benefits that tantric sex or tantric masturbation brings than just orgasm alone.
How can singles practice tantric sex: Tantric Masturbation.
The appropriate term is Tantric Masturbation. It is a very personal experience that involves taking time to listen to your body- to understand and explore what sexually pleases your own body. Tantric sex practiced by couples centers on knowing the pleasures of the partner’s body. For singles, tantric masturbation highlights knowing your own body inside and out. Some individuals use techniques that involve breathing, yoga and sounds. However, there are no hard and fast rules as to how tantric masturbation is to be performed, but like tantric sex practiced by partners, there are a couple of tips to get help you get started:
- Find a relaxing and comfortable spot to set in.
Looking for a comfortable place can help your mind and body relax and prepare for the exploration. It is understandable that there are some individuals who are a bit uncomfortable or unsure about how to do it. In any case, it is most important to know that the goal of tantric masturbation is to explore your own body and find out what pleases you.
- Be mindful of your body
Equally important in this activity is to let go of all the self-judgment and expectations you may have for yourself. Know that there is no need to rush. Take your time. Unclutter your thoughts and focus only on your body. Continue to breathe in and breathe out until you’ve calmed down and relaxed. Doing a little stretch can also help as it helps the body of your muscles relax and feel lighter.
What are the benefits of Tantric Masturbation?
Above all the sexual pleasures and discoveries that can be achieved by tantric sex, the highlighted benefit of tantric masturbation is the authentic self-connection you build with yourself – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. In addition, it is common testimony for those who practice tantric sex that it relieves stress, boosts self-esteem, treats some sexual dysfucnction, and does away with the insecurities surrounding one’s own body.
Still having difficulties?
That is entirely understandable. There is no need to beat yourself up for not getting it right the first time. In fact, you’re not supposed to expect to get it right the first few attempts. The results you seek to achieve using tantric sex should not be a license to allow negative self-talk. Self-compassion comes first and should be present in every activity. When things get a bit tough, you can always consult tantra specialist, or tantric sex specialists.
Do it for the right reasons, because you want to know your body inside and out.
What are the benefits?