What Are The Warning Signs You Might Be In An Unhealthy Relationship

Unhealthy Relationship

Okay, don’t panic! We’re not telling you to break up instantly!

We know that relationships require work. But how would you know what to work on, or if it needs more work if you don’t know what’s wrong in the first place? 

If your relationship is happy and healthy, then well and good. But if your relationship is the other way around, then are you even aware? Are you able to identify the red flags and areas where you and your partner should work on? 

We’ve listed down five common signs that you might be in an unhealthy relationship.


Cupid and Psyche’s story taught us that “Love cannot live where there is no trust.” 

If  you find yourself in a relationship where you feel anxious whenever your partner is away, thinking he might be cheating on you, that’s a sign that you don’t trust your partner. A healthy relationship is supposed to make you feel secure. You should be able to genuinely wish your partner to have fun whenever he goes out with his friends to have fun. It’s always best to open up with your partner about the things that make you feel uncomfortable, instead of holding it in and keeping useless negative thoughts. 


In your first few months of being together, we understand that you might be excessively fond of your partner and that you want to be together and get cuddly all day.

That’s totally fine! But you have to understand that you also have to move on from that honeymoon stage. You and your partner both have lives to live and  goals to achieve. 

So when you feel that you’re guilted into meeting your partner’s needs and caprices, then that’s a good time to pause and think whether your relationship is helping you grow, or weighing you down. 


Understanding that you and your partner have differences is essential.  When you constantly feel like you need to change some parts of yourself before you feel you’re truly accepted, then it’s not a relationship you should want to be in. A healthy relationship helps you grow individually and accepts your good side just as well as your bad. 


Fights are normal in relationships. It’s how you handle and resolve it that matters. That’s why communication is key! Sure, it’s fine to stay quiet at certain moments when you’re heated with anger, just to make sure you don’t utter words you might regret later on. But when the temper has died down, it’s always best to talk things out with your partner and instead of giving or receiving a silent treatment. Getting a cold shoulder from your partner does so many negative things. It even causes a great deal of anxiety to some. 

So stop with that silly mind-reading game, get on that table and talk it out. 


Now, this should be obvious. When you are in a relationship but you still feel like you are still alone then you might not be in the right one. A good and healthy relationship makes you feel supported and secure. 

You know you’re in a healthy relationship when even when you’re alone, you don’t feel lonely. But when you’re with your partner and even after reaching out you still feel like you’re alone, then that’s another story. 

How are you feeling?

Have you encountered any of those signs?  If you have, then it’s time to stop and think. Think hard about what kind of relationship you want to be in. What kind of love do you bring to the table and what kind of love are you able to accept. Oftentimes we pour out so much love and get very little in return we feel tired. And when we get to this point, we shut down all other soft parts of us in hopes of not getting hurt again. 

Love needs work.

But if the unhealthy cycle keeps repeating even after you’ve tried to work it out, then perhaps, my dear, it’s time to let go. Not everyone who love each other are meant to be together. 

Linda Thomson